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Heart to Art
DyslexAbility is proud to present Art to Heart - our new Art Intervention program!
The creative process of visual art-making is a healing and expressive form of communicating feelings and thoughts in ways that spoken language cannot.
Through drawing, painting, sculpture, drama and movement, the Arts enhance the creative abilities that humans inherently possess, facilitating an individual's own understanding of their personal inner experience.
Our art intervention specialist will work with small, age-appropriate groups in using an array of artistic processes to create meaning, rather than focusing on the end product.
Students will be guided to express themselves imaginatively and authentically; an experience that, over time, can lead to personal fulfilment and emotional regulation - especially for those who cannot verbalise their feelings due to developmental delays, neurodiversity, cognitive impairment, or other conditions.
These include:
expressing feelings that may be difficult to verbalise
exploring their imagination and creativity
developing healthy coping skills and focus
improving self-esteem and confidence
increasing communication skills
sharing in a safe nurturing environment
improving motor skills and physical co-ordination
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