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According to 

Dysgraphia is a term that refers to trouble with writing. Many experts view dysgraphia as challenges with a set of skills known as transcription. These skills — handwriting, typing, and spelling — allow us to produce writing. 


Dysgraphia is a neurological disorder that often presents as difficulty forming letters, staying within lines, writing legibly, or organising and expressing ideas on paper.  While it may often be confused with dyslexia in the early stages, dysgraphia does not usually, by itself, impact an individual’s ability to read – having more to do with fine motor skills, particularly writing. 


"Dysgraphia is NOT linked to ability, many highly capable individuals have dysgraphia. You can have dysgraphia and have many strengths in other areas. Dysgraphia can be exceedingly frustrating in a school and academic environment where the written word becomes the way you are continually assessed for what you know". Australian Dyslexia Association Advisory Team 

Children may exhibit:

  • poor handwriting (legibility and endurance) 

  • difficulty with body awareness or feedback in the hands 

  • difficulties writing in a straight line or staying within margins 

  • difficulties with holding and controlling a writing tool 

  • reversal of letters 

  • difficulty recalling how letters are formed 

  • trouble knowing when to use lower or upper case letters 

  • difficulty copying words.

Adults may exhibit:

  • highly illegible handwriting 

  • difficulty cutting food, doing puzzles, or manipulating small objects by hand 

  • a strange or awkward hand grip 

  • a delay in processing the rules of games, or following sequential directions 

  • difficulty reading maps 

  • difficulty drawing, tracing or painting 

  • spelling errors in simple notes. 


Teenagers may:

  • have difficulty  constructing sentences with correct grammar and sentence structure when writing, but not when speaking 

  • omit words from sentences 

  • incorrectly order words in sentences 

  • use verbs and pronouns incorrectly 

  • have difficulty organising or articulating thoughts on paper 

  • write with a mix of cursive and print letters 

  • write with inappropriate or inconsistent sizing and spacing of letters 

  • have difficulty visualising words before writing them. 

DyslexAbility Pty Ltd

1/45 Futures Road, Cranbourne West, Victoria, 3977

Tel: 03 5996 4006

ABN: 44 622 859 205

NDIS Registration: 4-JQDIOG2

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